“The bridge is a thing, which gathers…
places and paths are defined, because a space has been made.”
– Martin Heidegger, Building, Dwelling, Thinking
The Assabet River Pedestrian Bridge creates a new public asset for the town of West Concord, Massachusetts. By connecting the downtown to nearby residences and a large business district, the bridge extends existing networks to integrate the town’s various communities which previously lacked safe pedestrian connections. Linking the MBTA commuter rail, Bruce Freeman Bike Path, and existing walkways, the bridge encourages alternative mobility and creates a space to enjoy the previously inaccessible vantage of the scenic Assabet River. An accessible bike and pedestrian path is paired with a public plaza, an “outdoor living room” for various activities in the midst of the riverscape. The bridge improves pedestrian movement and creates a uniquely beautiful gathering space above the river.
The bridge crosses near the rail line to minimize ecological impacts to the river floodway, preserving its natural beauty. Shaped by clusters of trees, its curves form a winding promenade through the forest. Folded-plate metal fins produce a veiled canopy that protects pedestrians, cyclists, and the habitat from the noise of the railway, and enables thrilling glimpses of the train as it rushes past. Seen from the adjacent rail line, the veil creates a rhythmical figure which announces one’s arrival in the town. At the crossing of places and paths, the bridge gathers West Concord’s civic life into a shared space for connection and reflection.