“The wall veil… [is] capable of being folded and stretched as if it were a membranous and elastic entity… cutting, contrasting, shrinking, and lifting…” the veil becomes, “cohesive and unified, occasionally assuming an undulating form, like the folded surface of dress and drapery.”

–Chatterjee, A. (2018). John Ruskin and the fabric of architecture. Routledge. 33-34.

Recognizing the need to balance accessibility with environmental sensitivity, the proposed pedestrian footbridge is strategically sited adjacent to the existing MBTA commuter rail bridge and its abutments. This deliberate positioning is intended to minimize disruption to the natural environment, preserving the integrity of local vegetation, wildlife habitats, river flow, and flood dynamics. Given the anticipated high volume of daily pedestrian traffic between the West Concord MBTA railway stop and the Concord Meadows Corporate Center, situated 400 feet northeast of the Assabet River, careful attention has been paid to the bridge's lane width, structural articulation, and materiality.

The bridge features a faceted steel veil that provides a baffle between pedestrians and the MBTA train line, as well as shade and protection from the elements. The veil, railings, and benches not only enhance user safety but also channel attention towards the river and the riparian habitat to the north. By improving access to the Assabet River, the bridge offers an elevated viewshed for commuters and residents alike. This project emphasizes a site-specific, localized approach which seeks to celebrate the inherent qualities of the river habitat while serving the needs of the community.